
I like minesweeper!

At some times, I think the game minesweeper is based on the relations you have with people in your surroundings in real life. I, for one, can see myself in a situation where what ever wrong step I take, someone in my surroundings get mad or blown off (offended) by my mistake. It’s like, if I only hang out with one person, all my focus for the moment is on that person and that person only. There’s no one else around me to pay attention to, which makes it easier for me to learn what this person I am with likes and dislikes, and how far I can go before that person is pissed off. With more and more people around me, it’s harder to concentrate on what exactly each one of them need, and saying something, or doing something wrong may offend someone since I haven’t had the opportunity and time to get to know that person good enough because so many others around me crave attention as well.
For that reason, I prefer hanging out with fewer (nice) people rather than a lot of (half-nice) people!

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